The iPod

Apple's iPod was a revolutionary invention.  It mastered the market of MP3 players.  There was really no such thing as a good portable and universal portable music player.  There was a certain hard drive that Steve Jobs realized was missing.  As soon as him and his team found it, they got right to work.  Believe it or not, the iPod received terrible reviews upon its release.  People thought that it was vastly overpriced.  However, as soon as Apple made iTunes compatible with Microsoft, sales skyrocketed.  A lot of Microsoft users reportedly switched to Apple when they introduced the feature of running Windows on Mac computers.  Customers would buy a Mac computer to run Windows, but most of them would admit to ceasing doing this after a week or so.

Apple did create a breakthrough device, there is no doubting that.  However, Apple did start something else that started with the iPod.  The started a cult of sorts; a stigma that made people feel like they needed to have their products.  Ever since, the line for the release of the newest iPhone pours out the doors to the Apple store.  The newest generation has become addicted to these screens.  I have heard people say they feel their phone vibrate in their pocket when it never actually does.  Apple creates hype around their release dates by using inclusivity rather than exclusivity.  Even the design of their stores make you feel like you are in the presence of a higher power.


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