Whistleblowing is defined as a person who exposes secretive information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within a private or public organization. Whistleblowing is a controversial subject. It is definitely not something you want to be known for doing, yet it is the right thing to do. A famous, or infamous, whistleblowing case was with Daniel Ellsberg. He was an employee of the State Department in 1971 that leaked the Pentagon Papers, a secret account of documents pertaining to how the United States came to fight the Vietnam War.
Personally, I believe that whistleblowing is the right thing to do, but if it came down to it I can't lie and say that I would do it. If I worked for a very successful company that used insider trading, I most likely would turn a blind eye and move on. What I mean is that if it benefitted me financially to forget something I would easily do so. Ultimately not blowing the whistle in that particular situation would bring out the most well-being and the least amount of consequences besides a guilty conscience. It would be in my family and I's best interests to not lose my job.
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